
Building the Infrastructure for Electric Vehicle Growth

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EVs have been over the milestones in demand globally. In April 2024, the Indian automobile sector evidenced a slight decrease in sales of EVs compared with the March 2024 record. However, there has been an overall rise in electric vehicles from April 2023 to April 2024. The total units sold in April 2024 for EVs have been recorded as 114,910 units, which is less than March 2024, which was 212,502 units.

Not only are the high sales enough, but the need to build an EV that comprises infrastructure is also important. The Indian government has already planned to have EVs comprise 30 percent of the new private vehicles, a dramatic rise of EVs until 2030. So far, India requires more than 39 lakh public and semi-public EV charging stations, with an average of 1 station per 20 vehicles. If you also want to invest in the future of automobiles, then check for ways to buy electric cars or any EV you wish to purchase.

The Overview Of Needs To Build EV Charging Stations & Infrastructure

Is there an app in India that has one charging station per 135 EVs? Obviously, this doesn’t sound good, but it is outdated in a developing country like India. This ratio is lower than the global ratio of 1 charging station per 6 to 20 EVs. 

So, precisely, India still lacks charging infrastructure. To overcome this challenge, the government of India has already started working and implementing a series of policies to develop more EV charging stations.

Preparing India’s Infrastructure with Electrifying Charging Stations Before 2030

Obviously, the rising demand for EV Cars in India or other electric vehicles requires more charging stations (public to semi-public). Therefore, government authorities have made a defined plan as it needs urgent attention with a nationwide charging network. This will not only help potential vehicle buyers adopt this EV technology. 

More EV infrastructure will help EV owners have a quick and conventional alternative to charging their vehicles anytime and anywhere they travel. This will also reduce anxiety and stress and even eliminate driving hassles and concerns about running out of charge. 

The Indian Government EV Charging Infrastructure Initiatives

Notably, the government of India is putting maximum effort into launching many EV charging infrastructure initiatives and schemes. The most popular ones are as follows.

  1. Faster Adoption & Manufacturing of (Hybrid) & Electric Vehicles; FAME- This scheme helps in providing incentives for EV adoption and charging infrastructure growth.
  2. National Electric Mobility Mission Plan: NEMMP—The Indian government has accelerated NEMMP, which helps offer incentives for EV purchases.

Such governmental initiatives for charging infrastructure are also dependent on private-sector investment. So, extensive money is required for planning, signing, and developing EV charging infrastructure. May recognized private sector players like charging infrastructure providers and resident welfare associations (RWAs) have already contributed to the development of EV charging stations nationwide.

The Decent Demand for EV Charging Infrastructure

Today, India is well-recognized in science, technology, and advanced development. Therefore, we are living with the ambitious goal to electrify the wholesome transportation sector in 2023. This is not a small but a giant target to achieve, with the need for more than 46,000 charging stations nationwide. 

The Obstacles with the Development of EV Charging Infrastructure In India

  1. Improper Supply of Electricity: That’s been very initial in India for years. The inadequate power grid always has an impact on India’s growth. Today’s country needs more than a 9-12 percentile power supply throughout 2024. This has already put a strain on India’s power grid and stations. Then, why can there be a seamless power supply in EV charging stations nationwide? This drawback of the electricity shortage discourages many from investing in electric vehicles, regardless of the more productive vehicle choice.
  2. Lack of Public Charging Stations: Already talking about poor charging infrastructure. In India, the Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) expects to develop more than 46,397 public charging stations in almost nine cities by 2030. To date, Hyundai India has only 5,234 stations scattered across the nation. So far, after many pushes and governmental initiatives, there is still need for more public charging stations in retail stores, slight business buildings, and RWAs. The only reason may be low capital, which is minimal required for station development.
  3. Geographical Diversity of India: Talking about India’s geographical conditions, the city has been a proven hurdle in developing EV charging stations. The land terrain and climate diversity play crucial roles, making charging-related considerations impactful. The difference in population density and travel patterns has also been a significant reason for developing electric vehicle charging stations. The rural and urban area patterns also rectified the reason for planning, designing, and installing EV charging infrastructures.

The Final Verdict

The above content may surely help you decide better how good it looks for EVs in India when the government has taken such great initiatives. If you want to explore almost every EV manufacturer’s launch in 2-wheelers and 4-wheelers, then look at Droom. You can check out electric vehicles that suit your budget and preferences and invest in them, as EVs are the future of the automobile.

Edward Tyson

Edward Tyson is an accomplished author and journalist with a deep-rooted passion for the realm of celebrity net worth. With five years of experience in the field, he has honed his skills and expertise in providing accurate and insightful information about the financial standings of prominent figures in the entertainment industry. Throughout his career, Edward has collaborated with several esteemed celebrity news websites, gaining recognition for his exceptional work.

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